Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Goals 2014

So I am a little late on my goals for 2014, better late than never, I always say! I always "say" I am going to WRITE THEM DOWN, but I never do! Funny enough, I actually got the reminder from my step daughter. Leave it to a 10 year old to remind you about the basics!

So...without further ado...
1) Be more creative in the kitchen, i.e. cook more allergy free meals for my babies! Now that J has multiple food allergies too, breakfast, lunch & dinner are getting really boring, for me at least. I want my kids to experience cookies & cakes & pancakes! My boys are pretty picky eaters but hopefully, as they try new things, it will get easier!

2) Get more organized. Seriously, with 4 kids in a 3 bedroom apartment, we need to get rid of A LOT! Toys, clothes, and just STUFF clutter up a small home so quickly. This is especially true for my paper situation. It is getting out of hand & I NEED a good place to store lots of this stuff. Granted, I need to SHRED lots of it first, but one bag at a time, literally.

3a) Stop looking like a frumpy "mom". Please don't be offended but most moms know exactly what I mean. Putting on lip gloss & perfume can go a long way but who has time for that when you are running out the door with 3 busy kids on one hip & a "hurry up we are late" hubby on the other! I WANT to buy lipstick. I WANT to learn how to apply makeup and just spend more than 1 minute on my hair. Do I have time for that everyday, nope, but when I want to go out with my girlfriends or my husband or even just look nice for a family gathering, I need to KNOW HOW.

3b) Invest in Myself! I had to separate this into 2 only because I need new clothes. I have been pregnant 3 times in the last 5 years. That means 27 months of maternity PLUS the countless months of wearing larger clothing to accommodate your changing body. Now that I am finally thinner, I need to invest in myself.

4) Spend real time with God. If you know me well, or at all really, you know that I am a firm believer. Without someone praying for me all these years, without God's covering over my life, I would not have the life I have. I thank God for the bad & the good. I want to WAKE UP EARLIER or carve out a special time each day to read the Bible or do my own Bible study with my kids. These are such important things in my life and I need to act like.

So those are my top 4 goals for 2014.

One day at a time, I have to remember that.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy New Year & randomness :-)

It's been a few months, WOW!

Well, first of all, Happy New Year!! Glad to come back to my own little slice of peace. I missed my blog! Life & work have just taken over.

Today I am stressing over my A. He is such a sweet boy but having Sensory Processing Disorder is like Jekyll & Hyde. Jekyll comes out at school, the worst timing right! He has come such a long way. In September he barely new his letters, now he knows 90% of his letters AND their sounds! That is huge in my book. So we are working on spelling his Sight Words and recognizing those teen numbers. Who knew Kindy would be so intense! So we try to take it easy with him, much to his teacher's shagrin (sp?) I am sure. We don't let him get away with anything, but we try to make learning FUN and avoid worksheets as often as possible. He gets enough worksheets for his daily homework, trust me (do not get me started)!

So I am finding ways to help him with everything, using Pinterest, the most overwhelming website ever! Plus, I swear it makes me feel like the MOST INADEQUATE mom ever!

I was looking for the funny e-card about that but I have to get back to work...nice checking in!