Monday, October 28, 2013

My Not So Secret, Secret...

This is going to be my super personal, a look into my heart & mind post... so don't judge me please!

I have never wanted to be a SAHM (stay at home mom), never. It just wasn't something I thought about. Not even after I had Aidan or Elijah really. I enjoyed my career. I enjoy working. I enjoy adult conversation and having that interaction daily is important to me. I like working...sue me! Then came Joshua. I still have no idea what it is but something is pulling at me. Maybe it's because he is my "last" child. Maybe it's because he is such a happy baby. Maybe it's because Elijah's serious food allergies have me worrying about everything he is doing and who is touching him. Maybe it's because of Joshua's horrible asthma issues. I don't know what it is, but I feel like staying home is calling me.

I may sound crazy to some, but I yearn to spend more time with my babies. I want to be there 100% of the time and I want to be the one to help and care and wipe everything! The funny thing is, I have ZERO patience. I try my best but when things are not going well at home with the kids, I sulk, pout & get all frazzled. I am no longer this organized person because let's face it, 3 children in 4.5 years kind of throws you for a loop. It changes every single thing you thought you knew about yourself. It tests you, your endurance, your whole body, soul and mind are no longer the same, forever.

Anyway, I always see SAHMs as AWESOME! I truly believe they are special kind of people and I am not that. I don't have the SAHM gene. I like to be away from my babies. (SHOCKER) I like the personal, quiet, alone time. Maybe that is why I enjoy work... but I want that gene. I want the CHANCE to be with my babies. I want to pick Aidan up from school. I want to struggle & be frustrated & take even more deep breathes than I already do on evenings & weekends...even if it's just for a little while.

We moms should have the choice. Instead, we work work and work until something has to give. It is present in my mind, more than ever, that I NEED TO BE THERE. My husband and I don't have much of a support system here. When my amazing aunt & grandmother can't, usually no one else can, and so, it's back on me. But I have a job, a career that relies on me too. What a fine line we dance as WOHM (work outside the home mom) to make sure all the balls are rolling perfectly.

I just think that as time moves on and my boys get older, it is only going to get harder. They will have more after school activities, more demands, and I will have more responsibility at work. What am I supposed to do then?

Sorry for all the rambling, I just miss my babies and I pray that God steer me through these times. I pray that God open my heart & my husband's heart & mind to HIS will. Let His will be done, always & forever.

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